Join our PRIME MEMBERSHIP level and discover a world of exclusive benefits! With your monthly subscription, you’ll enjoy multiple advantages designed to enhance your shopping experience.
Store Discount
As a PRIME MEMBERSHIP member, you’ll receive an incredible 20% discount on our entire store. Take advantage of this opportunity to save on all your favorite products.
Priority Support
With PRIME MEMBERSHIP, you’ll receive priority support. Our team will always be available to assist you quickly and efficiently with any questions or issues you may have.
Monthly Prize Wheel
Each month, you’ll have the exciting opportunity to spin our monthly prize wheel. Depending on your luck, you could win amazing prizes, with the top prize being 30 credits to make 30 completely free downloads throughout the month.
Direct Download Credit
Additionally, you’ll receive 1 credit for downloading digital files. This credit allows you to make a direct download without having to go through the shopping cart. Use this credit to quickly and easily obtain the file you want.
Exclusive Access to VIP Zone
Enjoy exclusive access to our VIP zone, where you’ll find unique designs that haven’t been released anywhere else. You’ll also have the opportunity to request custom designs. Our talented team of designers will be delighted to create unique and special pieces just for you. We’ll publish these designs in the VIP zone so you can purchase them with your discount whenever you like.
Monthly Gift
As a PRIME MEMBERSHIP subscriber, you’ll receive an additional monthly gift: a custom design of your choice! To request your custom design, go to your profile in the PRIME MEMBERSHIP area. There, you’ll find a button with a bell icon labeled “REQUEST CUSTOM DESIGN”. Fill out the form that appears to make your request.
Subscription Duration
Please remember, this subscription lasts for 1 month and does not renew automatically. At the end of the month, you can choose whether to manually renew your subscription.
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